A Poem In Praise of Menstruation

This poem by Lucille Clifton was submitted for inclusion in the Tammuz Moon Manual by At The Well community member, Lena Walker.

if there is a river

more beautiful than this

bright as the blood  

red edge of the moon     if

there is a river more faithful than this

returning each month

to the same delta

if there

is a river braver than this  

coming and coming in a surge  

of passion, of pain

if there is  

a river  

more ancient than this

daughter of eve  

mother of cain and of abel     if there is in  

the universe such a river


there is some where water  

more powerful than this wild  


pray that it flows also

through animals  

beautiful and faithful and ancient  

and female and brave  

A Poem In Praise of Menstruation
At The Well
At The Well

We're here to support your journey to wholeness throughout every stage of your life. At The Well is spreading the word about Jewish rituals that can help you connect more deeply — to yourself, to your body, and to community.

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